The Megatrip Route In Under 200 Words

In a perfect world where money was no object, Dominos was available in vending machines, and Kendrick Lamar was president, Megatrip would consist of destinations across the every continent on earth with no regard for airfares, terror threat levels, or monsoon seasons. Alas, it’s 2018 and the most adult thing we’ve done in the past year, aside from getting married, was starting our own cell phone plan (you’re welcome, parents). So as the mildly responsible 30 year olds we are, we narrowed our focus to Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe.

With a one way ticket from Chicago to Bangkok, we will spend roughly a month trekking across Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, and other SEAsian locales before moving west to Africa. Once we run out of Malaria pills and our pores become permanently clogged from 100% deet bug spray, we will end in Europe for a relaxing, and relatively easier, vacation from our vacation.

While we’d love to share the full details of our route, we A) need a reason for you to keep following the blog, B) we don’t know entirely where we are headed, and C), we are borderline debilitatingly lazy.

More to come, just you wait, just you wait.